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XML Feed Documentation: Integration Guide
XML Feed Documentation: Integration Guide
Updated over a week ago

This XML Feed Documentation serves as an integration guide for you, providing detailed instructions on integrating Wonderkind's XML job feed. By utilizing this guide, you can:

  • Optimize the distribution of job advertisements on non-job-related platforms

  • Improve the job seeker's experience

  • Facilitate faster and more effective hiring processes

📝Wonderkind’s integration documentation is publicly available as a reference to understand and plan your integration with Wonderkind.

However, it is important to note that this documentation is intended for implementation exclusively by Wonderkind partners who have signed a Partner Agreement with us.

XML Job Feed Explained

  • An XML job feed serves as a bridge between your job ad database and the Wonderkind platform. It serves as a basic file used for promoting jobs on various platforms, including job boards, job aggregators, and Wonderkind Services. Typically XML job feeds contain data for hundreds to thousands of jobs, which provide essential job posting information necessary for crafting dynamic copy and visuals on platforms like Google and Facebook, all supported by Wonderkind.

  • Utilizing the XML job feed, job ads are automatically created within Wonderkind's Talent Attraction Technology. Campaigns are generated from pre-set default templates, leveraging dynamic variables to differentiate jobs based on crucial details such as job title, company name, and location. Once generated, these campaigns await for approval in your company's account marked with the 'To Approve' status. It is important to review the profile mapping before launching, to ensure accuracy, after which the campaign can be deployed.

XML URL Checklist

The XMLs need to comply with the below requirements, to be accepted into our tool.


URL publicly available for following http requests:

  1. GET requests

  2. HEAD requests

Response header Content-Type should be either:

  1. text/xml

  2. application/xml


To detect changes in XML feed to better identify content changes add:

  1. ETag header

XML Integration

  • Wonderkind assumes responsibility for managing the XML integration process, ensuring a seamless linkage between your XML job feed and your Wonderkind account.

  • The section emphasizes the importance of setting up default templates in Wonderkind's Talent Attraction Technology to fully leverage the XML integration feature.

  • In this section, you will find step-by-step instructions for successfully integrating with Wonderkind.

XML Feed Elements

Required Fields

  • To use our tool, you must ensure that your XML feed contains specific information. The tool utilizes a standard XML structure called Market Standard XML, where each 'item' corresponds to a job in the XML field. This section highlights the required fields, including

📝The reference number field will:

  • Only be used by the XML service to detect which data is already imported and should be omitted.

  • Not be used as a data point for reporting or our custom UTM parameters.




The title of the job. Do not include other types of information such as employment type, job location, job descriptions, copies, or headlines.

<![CDATA[Sales Executive]]>

A unique identifying number for this job. Wonderkind uses this element to identify each job. Do not change the number once you’ve set it.


The URL for this job listing is on your site. Use the URL for the job description page, not the application page. Include the source=Wonderkind token to track clicks from Wonderkind.

The company name that will be displayed in the search results. This can either match sourcename or be the name of an individual unit or brand. You can use different company names under the same sourcename for different jobs as long as they are consistent. For example, if the client is a franchise owner or operates multiple branded locations under the same company, company should be the business unit or brand name in the simplest possible form that job seekers quickly understand.

<![CDATA[[ABC Hospital]]>

The location in which this job is located.


The country in which this job is located. ISO standard


The language in which this job ad is published. ISO standard


Additional fields





A comma-delimited list of job categories is used to aid job seekers when searching. Not used in ad creation.

<![CDATA[Category1, Category2, CategoryN]]>


The job description of a job.


The salary a job will generate.

<![CDATA[$50000 per year]]>


<![CDATA[$4000 - $5000 per month]]>


The educational background required for a job.



The benefits offered by the job.

<![CDATA[Benefit1, Benefit2, Benefit3]]>


The experience required to execute the job.



The purchasing order number.



The postal code of the job.



An x amount allocated to the campaigns.



<![CDATA[$4000 - $5000 ]]>


The address in which this job is located.

<![CDATA[Rozengracht 52]]>


The image asset that will be used for the job.

When to use CDATA sections

The purpose of CDATA sections is to include character data that might otherwise be treated as XML markup. Here are some guidelines on when to use CDATA sections:

1. Special Characters: Use CDATA sections to include characters that might be misinterpreted as XML syntax, such as <, >, &, and entities like &nbsp;.

Example: <description><![CDATA[This text contains special characters like <, >, and &.]]></description>

2. Embedded Scripts or Styles: If you need to embed scripts, styles, or other content that contains characters which could conflict with XML syntax.

<script><![CDATA[ function sayHello() { alert("Hello, world!"); } ]]></script>

3. Raw Data: When including raw data that should not be parsed by the XML processor.

<data><![CDATA[Raw data including <tags> and &entities;]]></data>

When to Avoid CDATA Sections:

1. Regular Text: For normal text content that does not contain special characters conflicting with XML syntax, avoid using CDATA. It adds unnecessary complexity and reduces readability.

<title>This is a regular title</title>

2. Overuse: Overusing CDATA sections can make your XML documents harder to read and maintain. Only use them where absolutely necessary.

3. Escaping Characters: For minor uses of special characters, consider using character references instead.

<description>This is an example of a non-breaking space: &#160;</description>

Example of Proper Use

Appropriate Use of CDATA:

xml <message> <![CDATA[This message contains special characters like <, >, and &.]]> </message>

Inappropriate Overuse of CDATA:

xml <message> <![CDATA[This is a regular message.]]> </message> <note> <![CDATA[Just a simple note.]]> </note>


The following HTML tags are NOT supported:





<h1> to <h6>



Single line break.


Paragraph. It automatically inserts an empty line between paragraph tags.


Unordered, or bulleted, list.


List item.


Strong, or bolded, text.


Emphasized, or italicized, text.

<table>, <tbody>, <th>,<tr>,<td>

Simple table. Each cell appears on a new line.

XML Example


<title>Business Development Manager</title>







❗️Please note that when you add a location to your XML, it shouldn't be abbreviated but fully written out.

Alphen a/d Rijn ❌
Alphen aan de Rijn ✔️

The guide emphasizes the importance of reviewing the resource completely and encourages you to reach out to your dedicated Partner Success Manager for any clarifications or questions.

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