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How-to: Create a Dynamic job campaign
How-to: Create a Dynamic job campaign
Updated over a week ago

This guide explains how to create a dynamic job campaign to promote job vacancies and attract potential candidates effectively.


Dynamic Job Campaign is a powerful advertising solution designed to help companies efficiently promote their job openings to an audience. The jobs are dynamically displayed to relevant job candidates and the jobs where we can reach the lowest cost will receive the most budget. By utilizing the power of localization, it ensures that each candidate is exposed to job opportunities in their specific area. By following this comprehensive step-by-step guide, you will be able to create a dynamic jobs campaign easily.

Campaign Creation Checklist



With a few simple steps, you can set up your campaign and customize it according to your preferences.

To create your campaign, click on "Create New" in the Campaigns tab.

Select the job list

Select the job list for dynamic campaigns that includes the jobs you want to promote.

Name Your Campaign

Provide a descriptive and recognizable name for your campaign to help you identify and manage it easily. You can also use tags for company, job title, and reference number (recommended).

Select Campaign Goal

You have two options: "Start Apply" and "Apply".

  • Select "Start Apply" if you want the application measurement to begin upon clicking the "Apply Now" button on the vacancy page.

  • Select "Apply" if you consider the application finalized upon completion.

❗ Keep in mind that if you selected the purpose as Dynamic job campaigns when creating your job list, the settings will appear only for Dynamic ads.

Set Budget

Select your daily budget for your campaign.

Calculate the minimum daily budget based on the average CPA or CPSA for the target profile in the relevant country. If you have multiple profiles, use the profile with the highest CPA.

Your daily budget is an important element in achieving your campaign goals, whether you're aiming for Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) or Cost Per Soft Apply (CPSA). It's essential to determine the right budget to make the most of your ad spend.

Let's explore how to calculate your minimum daily budget and understand why it's important for your campaign's success.

To find your minimum daily budget, consider both your CPA and CPSA objectives. Use this simple formula:

Minimum Daily Budget = Maximum (CPA, CPSA) * 50 / 7 days

This formula ensures that you allocate sufficient budget to meet your goals, whether you're focused on acquiring customers (CPA) or generating soft applications (CPSA).

You can also use our simple budget calculator by clicking below.

The Significance of Your Daily Budget

Your daily budget isn't arbitrary; it significantly impacts your campaign's performance, especially during the learning phase. During this phase, advertising platform algorithms rely on data to optimize your campaigns effectively. A well-calculated daily budget provides the data and signals needed for your campaigns to perform at their best.

Without an appropriate budget, your campaigns may struggle to gain traction, hindering your ability to reach your target audience efficiently. This can lead to inefficient spending and less-than-ideal results. By setting the correct daily budget, you empower your campaigns to learn, adapt, and deliver better results over time.

Don't Go Below €5!

While the formula helps calculate your minimum daily budget based on your goals, remember that your budget should never fall below €5. This minimum threshold ensures your campaigns have a reasonable daily allowance to work with.

Select Social Media Platforms

Choose the social media platforms on which you want to advertise your job vacancies. To complete this process, you need to have a Facebook page connected to the account.

Advanced Settings

Highest Volume: This strategy allows the campaign to optimize for the most results within your budget, providing maximum exposure for your job vacancies. Thus, we always recommend the Highest Volume Strategy for your campaigns.

The strategies below only come in handy if the performance of the campaign is not on par. You should be aware that these strategies have an impact on the budget spent. It is a limitation and should not be used immediately.

Cost Cap: If you choose this strategy, set the maximum amount you are willing to spend on the campaign overall. This ensures that you stay within your budget while optimizing ad performance. The cap value must be higher than €1 but is advised to be between €10 and €40.

Bid Cap: If you choose this one, determine the maximum amount you are willing to pay for each click or engagement on your job ad. Set the bid cap at an appropriate level to maximize the campaign's effectiveness. The cap value must be higher than €1 but is advised to be between €10 and €40.


Proceed to the preview page, where you can review and verify the settings you have selected in the previous steps.

This page allows you to see how your ad will appear to potential candidates. Take the time to review all the details, such as campaign settings, bid & cost caps, and selected social media platforms. Make any necessary adjustments before deploying your dynamic job campaign. Once you are satisfied with the settings and preview, confirm the launch of your campaign.

Let’s get started with getting the candidates in! 🚀

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