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Custom questions in Leadforms
Custom questions in Leadforms
Updated over a week ago

This article provides information on custom questions that can be asked in Leadforms on Facebook while adhering to advertising policies.

Recommended custom questions

1. What are some examples of custom questions that gather information on work experience and motivation without using numbers?

Here are some recommended custom questions that can provide insights into work experience and motivation:

  • Do you have experience? If so, what kind of experience?

  • Which education degree did you obtain?

  • Do you have experience with managing a team?

  • Did you obtain a relevant education? If so, which one?

  • Did you previously work in a similar job?

  • Do you have experience with MS Office?

  • What are you looking for in a job?

  • What city would you like to work in? (Learn where your respondents are located for targeting purposes. )

2. How can these custom questions be beneficial for lead generation?

These custom questions can help you gather valuable insights about potential leads' qualifications, skills, and preferences. By understanding candidates' experiences and motivations, you can tailor your outreach and recruitment strategies more effectively.

Understanding prohibited topics for custom questions

What topics are prohibited by Facebook for custom questions in Leadforms?

As part of Facebook's Advertising Policies, certain topics are not allowed for custom questions in Leadforms. Prohibited topics include sensitive information such as:

  • Account numbers: frequent flyer numbers or tv/telephone provider account numbers.

  • Criminal or arrest history

  • Financial information such as credit or debit card numbers, bank account numbers, routing numbers, credit score, net worth, income, bankruptcy status and debt status

  • Government-issued identifiers such as social security numbers, drivers licence numbers, photo identification numbers, passport numbers and military ID numbers

  • Health information such as current or previous physical or mental conditions either directly or within the family, medical treatments or side effects experienced from medication, or information about medical conditions or disabilities

  • Insurance information such as insurance company name, plan details, usage or policy numbers

  • Race or ethnicity

  • Religious or philosophical beliefs

  • Sexual orientation or information about the sexual life of the individual, including sexual history, whether the individual has engaged in group or same-sex activity, or which gender(s) the individual prefers to date

  • The same or substantially similar information to the questions available in the prefilled questions field. So do not ask for the same information again.

  • Trade union membership status, including whether the individual is a union member or to which union they belong

  • Login information to any service, including usernames or passwords to new or existing accounts

  • The date of birth of a child.

❗️Stay away from any questions where you are asking for a number as a response

Why are these specific topics not allowed in custom questions?

Facebook aims to protect user privacy and ensure a safe advertising environment. Prohibiting questions related to sensitive information prevents the misuse or mishandling of personal data by advertisers.

Available prefilled questions

What are the prefilled questions available for use in Leadforms?

The available prefilled questions include E-mail, Full name, Phone, Country, and other standard information fields. These questions are user-friendly and can provide essential data without the need for custom questions.

How can prefilled questions be utilized to gather information from users?

Prefilled questions allow you to collect basic user details easily. By using these standard fields, you can acquire essential contact information and demographic data from respondents.

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