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Bidding Strategies - Understanding The Highest Volume Strategy, Cost Cap, and Bid Cap
Bidding Strategies - Understanding The Highest Volume Strategy, Cost Cap, and Bid Cap

Understanding the different bid strategies in the campaigns

Updated over a week ago

The Highest Volume Strategy

  • The strategy is automatically set to the highest volume. This is the best strategy to optimize and achieve the most results. All other strategies are designed to limit budget spending and consequently the number of leads. During the start of the campaign or the first time using Dynamic Job Campaigns, you should not use a cap, as it would restrict the learning phase.

What is the highest volume strategy?

  • The highest volume strategy is a marketing approach that prioritizes maximizing the quantity or volume of specific actions or outcomes, such as conversions, leads, sales, or other desired metrics.

How does the highest volume strategy work?

  • The highest volume strategy aims to reach a broad audience and capture a significant market share by emphasizing quantity over other factors. It focuses on generating a large number of desired outcomes to achieve campaign success.

What are the benefits of using the highest volume strategy?

  • Using the highest volume strategy can lead to increased brand exposure, a wider customer base, and higher chances of achieving the desired campaign objectives due to the emphasis on generating a large volume of conversions or actions.

  • You should note that the reason why people want to set a cap is because they aim to influence performance. Based on the performance ground rules, before even considering a capped strategy, you should first focus on:

    • creating better content

    • ensuring the landing page has a user-friendly application process

    • implementing CAPI

Cost Cap

What is a cost cap?

  • A cost cap is a predetermined limit set by advertisers on the total amount they are willing to spend on a campaign. It ensures that the cost for a result remains within the campaign's goal.

  • You should only utilize this option if you are receiving a substantial number of applicants and the costs associated with these applicants are excessively high. When a you select a cost cap, it imposes limitations on the campaign, which could potentially affect the learning phase (for instance, achieving 50 conversions within 7 days might not be feasible).

How does a cost cap help manage campaign budgets?

  • By setting a cost cap, you can effectively manage your campaign budgets and control your spending. The platform optimizes the campaign to deliver results within the specified cost cap, preventing overspending.

What are the advantages of setting a cost cap?

  • Setting a cost cap provides you with financial control and predictability. It ensures that campaign expenses align with your budgetary constraints while pursuing your campaign objectives.

Bid Cap

What is a bid cap?

  • A bid cap refers to the maximum bid amount you are willing to pay for a single ad placement. It acts as an upper limit on the bid to avoid overpaying for individual ad placements. This is the absolute last resort for users who have a large number of applicants; however, the costs are prohibitively high. This imposes a significant restriction on their campaign.

How does a bid cap impact ad placements and costs?

  • Setting a bid cap helps control the cost per impression or click, ensuring that you do not exceed your desired bid amount for individual ad placements. This helps maintain cost efficiency in your advertising efforts.

Why is setting a bid cap important in advertising?

  • Setting a bid cap is crucial to prevent you from bidding too high for conversions, which can lead to excessive expenses. It enables you to balance your bids and optimize your performance based on your budget constraints.


  • In summary, understanding bid strategies is essential for you to achieve your specific business goal. The highest volume strategy prioritizes generating a large volume of desired outcomes, while the cost cap and bid cap provide financial control and cost efficiency within a campaign. By selecting the most suitable bid strategy, you can effectively manage your budget and optimize your advertising performance.

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